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Why the Tortoise Has a Cracked Shell (Version 1)

Why the Tortoise Has a Cracked Shell


Why the Tortoise Has a Cracked Shell (Version 1)

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Chapter 4: Tortoise’s Feathered Treachery

The Sky People warmly ushered in their feathered guests to a lavish outdoor banquet. Tables groaned under the sheer weight of sumptuous fruit, towering stacks of flatbread, sizzling roasted meats, and frothy honey drinks.

But it was Tortoise, with his dazzling collage of bright plumage, who instantly caught their hosts’ eyes. “Why, you must be the esteemed leader of this avian party!” they proclaimed, ushering Tortoise to the place of highest honor.

The greedy reptile could scarcely conceal his glee as he was served first, hustling the oversized plate after plate into his ravenous maw. The birds could only watch in stunned anger as Tortoise devoured more food than the entire flock combined!

When every last morsel had vanished down his gullet, the shameless Tortoise patted his engorged belly with satisfaction. Turning to the fuming birds, he burped.

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“Pardon me, friends! Now, for such an auspicious occasion as this sky banquet, I propose we all adopt ceremonial names befitting our lofty setting!”

The starving birds had no choice but to agree, each anointing themselves with soaring new monikers like “Sky Rider,” “Zephyr Glider,” and “Cloud Drifter.”

Tortoise’s turn came last. He tapped a claw against his chin in mock contemplation before announcing his chosen name with great fanfare:

“From this day forth, you shall address me as…’All of You’!”

Do you have an idea what Tortoise’s sly mind is hatching with this ridiculous new name?

Chapter 5: Feast of Folly

The furious birds were just about to give Tortoise a stern scolding when the welcoming Sky People returned with another set of refreshments.

“Honored guests!” the hosts boomed, laying out a fresh banquet. “This hearty second course is meant for all of YOU to enjoy!”

With an exaggerated gasp, Tortoise turned to the birds, feigning surprise. “Why, did you not hear them correctly, my friends? They just said, this entire feast is for All of You!”

He paused for dramatic effect before gesturing grandly to himself: “And by royal decree, I am ‘All of You’! Which means this extravagant banquet is mine alone to indulge in!”

The selfish tortoise then descended on the fresh feast, shoveling food into his face without restraint. All the while the flock looked on in outraged astonishment as their hungers went unsated once more.

When every last crumb had been licked from his lips, Tortoise leaned back with a contented sigh, lazily brushing stray crumbs from his now-greasy shell.

The vengeful birds had endured enough of his deceptions. One by one, they descended upon Tortoise, snatching back the feathers that comprised his wings.

“Hey! What are you doing, you ingrates?” Tortoise cried as the feathers fell away, leaving him flightless.

The pitiless birds ignored his protests as the final feather was plucked. And with that, the wingless Tortoise went plunging back down through the clouds, spiraling toward the earth far below!

As Tortoise tumbled out of sight, do you think the tale of the greedy trickster has finally met its karmic end? Or does he have one last scheme to save his shell?

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Victor Ijomah

Victor Ijomah is the co-founder of Storyteller. With a passion for meaningful narratives, he believes stories are our most powerful way to share wisdom.

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