Why the Tortoise Has a Cracked Shell (Version 1)
Have you ever heard the tale of the trickster with a cracked shell? Well settle in, and I’ll spin you the story
Chapter 1: Famine’s Curse
Once upon a time of cruel famine, the animal kingdom was plagued by hunger’s merciless grip. The lush savannas turned to endless stretches of scorched, cracked earth. Riverbeds laid tragic and bone-dry, mocking the animals’ desperate thirst.
One by one, the creatures fell to famine’s curse. Their bodies wilted like the withered grass around them. All, that is, except the sly and cunning Tortoise…and the ever-plump birds who seemed to defy the drought’s devastation.
Tortoise’s beady eyes narrowed with suspicion. “Krrr-kaw! Krrr-kaw!” The birds’ mocking calls drifted through the dust-choked air.
“Those sneaky feathered tricksters must be finding food from some secret place!” Tortoise schemed, tapping his claws against his polished shell.
What do you think Tortoise’s sly mind is concocting? What crafty scheme could he pull on the birds?
Chapter 2: Tortoise Takes Wing
With a raspy huff, Tortoise ambled toward the plump birds, putting on his most disarming smile.
“Why, dear feathered friends! You look so robust and radiant despite this famine. Pray tell, what is your secret? Where do you find such nourishing feasts while the rest of us starve?”
The birds flapped and squawked, clearly distrustful of that notoriously crafty reptile. “Kaw-kaw! You’ll only try to outsmart and deceive us with another of your schemes, you sly, shelled trickster!”
“No, no, my colorful companions!” Tortoise assured with his most harmless tone. “I give you my solemn promise upon my own shell – no deceptions this time. If you share your secret feeding grounds, I can even help you procure more delectable feasts!”
The birds eyed each other warily before relenting. They leaned in and revealed their incredible secret: “We’ve been dining at a sumptuous banquet held in the heavens themselves by the Sky People!”
Tortoise could scarcely contain his glee at this revelation. But then, his face fell. “But how could I, a humble tortoise grounded by this cumbersome shell, ever hope to reach such lofty heights?”
A devilish grin slowly spread across his reptilian face as an ingenious idea took form.
What could Tortoise possibly be plotting? How might that smooth-talking trickster find a way to the Sky People’s banquet?
Chapter 3: The Feast in the Clouds
Laying on his humble charm, Tortoise addressed the birds once more:
“Oh feathered ones, you know I am gifted with a honeyed eloquence. If you gift me some of your plumage to fashion a pair of makeshift wings, I could not only attend the Sky Festival but serve as your spokesperson and ambassador!”
The birds were intrigued; everyone knew what a masterful orator Tortoise was. Bit by bit, they donated their sleek feathers until he’d assembled two large, colorful wings.
On the appointed day, Tortoise flapped his new wings and whooped with delight as he effortlessly became airborne. “Finally, I take to the skies!”
Up and up he soared with the flock, climbing higher than any tortoise had dreamed. At last, they arrived at a heavenly palace amid the clouds, where mouth-watering aromas wafted through the air.
What incredible sights and scents do you imagine the Sky People’s banquet held in store?