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What Our Premium Members Are Saying
Premium membership has completely transformed my reading experience. Having access to the entire content library without waiting for daily releases is invaluable. The in-depth analyses and exclusive content are absolutely worth the subscription.
I was hesitant about paying for content, but the quality and depth of the premium library has exceeded all my expectations. The ad-free experience and early access to new content make this membership invaluable. I’ve renewed for a second month and plan to stay subscribed.
Frequently Asked Questions
What’s included in the premium membership?
Premium membership gives you unlimited access to our entire library of premium content, including all locked stories, exclusive analyses, and bonus materials. You’ll also enjoy an ad-free reading experience and get early access to new content before it’s released to the public.
How much does premium membership cost?
Premium membership typically costs ₦1,000 per month, but we’re currently offering a special promotion of just ₦500 per month for new members. This is a recurring subscription that you can cancel at any time.
Can I cancel my subscription anytime?
Yes, you can cancel your premium membership at any time. If you cancel, you’ll continue to have access until the end of your current billing period. We don’t offer partial refunds for unused time, but you can make the most of your membership until it expires.
How do I access premium content after subscribing?
After subscribing, you’ll have immediate access to all premium content. Simply log in with your account, and all previously locked content will be automatically available to you. You’ll also receive email notifications when new premium content is added.
What payment methods do you accept?
We accept various payment methods including credit/debit cards, bank transfers, and mobile payment options like Paystack. All payments are processed securely through our payment processors to ensure your financial information remains safe.
What is your refund policy?
We offer a 7-day satisfaction guarantee. If you’re not completely satisfied with your premium membership within the first 7 days, contact our support team and we’ll provide a full refund with no questions asked. After the 7-day period, refunds are considered on a case-by-case basis.